The Rotary Club of Cowra is part of a worldwide organisation of more than 1.2 million men and women who put the ideal of service into action. Rotarians are pledged to maintain high ethical standards in their daily lives and to serve their own communities as they advance international understanding and peace.
The club meets weekly on Thursday nights at 6.00pm at the Cowra Bowling & Recreation Club for fellowship and interesting and informative programs dealing with topics of local and global importance. Visitors and potential new members are always welcome to attend meetings.
The Rotary Club of Cowra supports local community organisations and charities, including youth leadership and advancement programs, health services, local history and heritage.
It participates in a variety of humanitarian educational and cultural exchange programs that touch people’s lives in their local communities and the international community.
Through the Rotary Foundation, it supports humanitarian work in countries throughout the globe, including the PolioPlus Program which aims to eradicate polio entirely.
To find out more about the Club’s projects, and how you might like to be involved, please contact the Club via their website: